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Quadro Twist 16L/1.25 String Black - DYR_8952_1880x_bfc90145-626d-4e20-b6ba-4f2697d1e33f

Quadro Twist 16L/1.25 String Black

The Quadro Twist is our "Baby" and flagship string from YTEX!

If you are looking for a very SOFT co-poly and a SPIN Monster...then this string is for you! This is the absolute best' string on the market you can get besides natural gut! RSI (Racquet Stringers Industry) rated the Quadro #1 in spin and #2 overall out of 157 strings they play tested.

Quadro Twist has outstanding tension hold and is also highly recommended for the main or cross in a hybrid combination. If you've never played with a poly string..then the Quadro is a great introduction for you to the poly world.

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